Ancestry chart
2 and 3Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Fan chart
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
JeanTESTUUrbanneLACOUA Death before 21 May 1668 -- Avon les Roches, 37012, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE,1 self - 4 and 5
8 and 9Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Fan chart
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
JeanLACOUAJeanLACOUA Death after 19 August 16414 paternal grandfather
10 and 11Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Fan chart
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
JeanLACOUAFrançoiseDELALAY Death before 19 August 16415 paternal grandmother
6 and 7Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Fan chart
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
UrbanneLACOUAMargueriteCHAPELLE Death after 3 July 16613 mother
12 and 13Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Fan chart
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
MargueriteCHAPELLELouisCHAPELLE Death before 19 August 16416 maternal grandfather
14 and 15Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Fan chart
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
MargueriteCHAPELLEMargueriteCHAUVEAU Death after 19 August 16417 maternal grandmother
- 4 and 5