Ancestry chart ?
2 and 31 self - 4 and 5
8 and 9Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Circle diagram
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
SébastienCAPLETPierreCAPLETDeath before May 31, 16764 paternal grandfather
10 and 11Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Circle diagram
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
SébastienCAPLETJeanneBENOISTDeath after May 31, 16765 paternal grandmother
6 and 7Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Circle diagram
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
JeanneCAPLETJeanneDAVONNEAUDeath after June 26, 17023 mother
12 and 13Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Circle diagram
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
JeanneDAVONNEAUToussaintDAVONNEAUDeath before May 31, 16766 maternal grandfather
14 and 15Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Circle diagram
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
JeanneDAVONNEAUFrancoiseDAVONNEAUDeath before May 31, 16767 maternal grandmother
- 4 and 5