Ancestry chart ?
2 and 3Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Circle diagram
Hourglass chart
Interactive treeJeanBESNIERBirth December 29, 1710 -- Parcay sur Vienne, 37180, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE,1 self
4 and 5Claude BESNIERBirth -- Verneuil le Chateau, 37268, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE,
Death after April 9, 17422 father
6 and 7Gabrielle CHEMINBirth -- Chezelles, 37071, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE,
Death between February 18, 1728 and April 9, 1742 -- Parcay sur Vienne, 37180, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE,3 mother