Ancestry chart ?
- 2 and 3 Marriage November 8, 1610 -- Villeperdue, 37278, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE,
4 and 5Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Circle diagram
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
MargueriteBERNINMathurinBERNINDeath after October 30, 16332 father
8 and 9Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Circle diagram
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
MathurinBERNINJeanBERNINDeath after September 8, 16104 paternal grandfather 5 paternal grandmother
6 and 7Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Circle diagram
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
MargueriteBERNINMargueriteMOREAUDeath after October 30, 16333 mother
12 and 13Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Circle diagram
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
MargueriteMOREAUMathurinMOREAUDeath after November 8, 16106 maternal grandfather 7 maternal grandmother