Descendancy chart:
- Rachel Joséphine OctavieTHIBAULTBirth March 19, 1900 35 22 -- Parcay sur Vienne, 37180, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE,
Death December 3, 1971 (Age 71) -- Brizay, 37040, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE,
1 - Marriage October 5, 1920 (Age 20) Husband: 25 y Wife: 21 y -- Parcay sur Vienne, 37180, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE,
- Jérémie Jean-BaptisteBENOISTBirth December 15, 1895 40 36 -- Brizay, 37040, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE,
Death January 8, 1967 (Age 71) -- Tavant, 37255, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE,
Number of children: 2 Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Circle diagram
Hourglass chart
Interactive treeArsène Jérémie RaphaëlBENOISTDeath April 14, 1979 -- Tavant, 37255, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE,
1 . 1Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Circle diagram
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
Giséle DeniseNOBLE
Nathalie BENOISTArmandBENOISTBirth March 21, 1934 38 34 -- Brizay, 37040, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE,
1 . 2- Marriage April 24, 1961 (Age 61) Husband: 27 y Wife: 20 y -- Paris, 75118, Paris, Paris, FRANCE,
Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Circle diagram
Hourglass chart
Interactive tree
Family with spouse
Nathalie BENOISTGiséle DeniseNOBLEBirth May 5, 1941 33 32 -- Etais la Sauvin, 89158, Yonne, Bourgogne, FRANCE,
Number of children: 1
1 . 2 . 1
Number of children: 1 Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy chart
Ancestry chart
Compact chart
Circle diagram
Hourglass chart
Interactive treeValentin BARBOTBirth November 17, 1787 -- Tours, 37261, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE,
1 . 2 . 1 . 1