Françoise MORON

Françoise MORON
between 1 June 1722 and 27 June 1724 -- Avon les Roches, 37012, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE,
Hit Count: 466
Death of a mother before 9 January 1702

Death of a father before 9 January 1702

union Charles THOMAS - View Family
9 January 1702
Death of a brother before 15 July 1715
Death of a husband before 11 August 1720
Note: Avant remariage veuve Françoise MORON
union PierreBONHOMME - View Family
16 August 1720
Note: Veuf de Thilouze
Death between 1 June 1722 and 27 June 1724
Note: Après mariage fille Marie, avant mariage fille Françoise
Record ID number 090317223250ohmiGene#Généalogie Globale003204