after 24 February 1727
Hit Count: 420
Death of a paternal grandfather between 6 February 1668 and 10 June 1668

Death of a maternal grandmother after 6 February 1668

Death of a maternal grandfather after 6 February 1668

Death of a paternal grandmother after 10 June 1668

Death of a father before 24 June 1696

Death of a mother before 7 October 1697

union AndréeAILLET - View Family
4 November 1697
Death of a brother before 5 July 1700
Death of a sister before 17 June 1710
Death after 24 February 1727

Note: Après mariage fils Urbain
Death of a wife after 24 February 1727 ‎(on the date of death)‎

Note: Après mariage fils Urbain
Record ID number 090501000029ohmiGene#Généalogie Globale379515