June 14, 1801 33 29 -- Léré, 18125, Cher, Centre, FRANCE,
about February 16, 1877 ‎(Age 75)‎ -- Léré, 18125, Cher, Centre, FRANCE,
Hit Count: 417
Birth June 14, 1801 33 29
Death of a mother October 29, 1804 ‎(Age 3)‎
Marriage of a father April 29, 1806 ‎(Age 4)‎
Birth of a half-brother January 22, 1807 ‎(Age 5)‎
Death of a half-brother March 26, 1807 ‎(Age 5)‎
Birth of a half-brother April 4, 1808 ‎(Age 6)‎
Birth of a half-brother December 9, 1812 ‎(Age 11)‎
Birth of a half-brother December 9, 1812 ‎(Age 11)‎
Death of a half-brother December 9, 1812 ‎(Age 11)‎
Death of a half-brother December 10, 1812 ‎(Age 11)‎
Birth of a half-brother January 6, 1816 ‎(Age 14)‎
Death of a brother November 28, 1827 ‎(Age 26)‎
Occupation July 1, 1828 ‎(Age 27)‎ Age: 27 y Domestique

union Solange BARDINET - View Family
July 1, 1828 ‎(Age 27)‎ Husband: 27 y Wife: 21 y
Birth of a daughter
April 22, 1829 ‎(Age 27)‎
Occupation November 24, 1829 ‎(Age 28)‎ Age: 28 y Laboureur
Birth of a daughter
February 23, 1832 ‎(Age 30)‎
Birth of a daughter
August 1, 1835 ‎(Age 34)‎
Death of a sister July 2, 1846 ‎(Age 45)‎
Birth of a grandson
March 16, 1853 ‎(Age 51)‎
Birth of a granddaughter
March 29, 1855 ‎(Age 53)‎
Occupation June 20, 1856 ‎(Age 55)‎ Age: 55 y Laboureur
Death of a father June 20, 1856 ‎(Age 55)‎
Birth of a granddaughter
January 6, 1857 ‎(Age 55)‎
Birth of a granddaughter
August 26, 1858 ‎(Age 57)‎
Birth of a granddaughter
September 10, 1861 ‎(Age 60)‎
Birth of a granddaughter
December 25, 1866 ‎(Age 65)‎
Death of a daughter February 25, 1872 ‎(Age 70)‎
Birth of a granddaughter
November 16, 1872 ‎(Age 71)‎
Death about February 16, 1877 ‎(Age 75)‎