Marie Louise LASNE

Marie Louise LASNE
January 6, 1857 32 27 -- Léré, 18125, Cher, Centre, FRANCE, LE GROUZEAU
Hit Count: 495
Birth January 6, 1857 32 27
Death of a mother February 25, 1872 ‎(Age 15)‎
Death of a maternal grandfather about February 16, 1877 ‎(Age 20)‎
Death of a maternal grandmother February 7, 1878 ‎(Age 21)‎
union Jean Augustin GAUGUET - View Family
April 19, 1880 ‎(Age 23)‎ Husband: 25 y Wife: 23 y
Death of a father January 11, 1899 ‎(Age 42)‎