Birth | about 1715 25 37
Death of a daughter | interpreted July 30, 1737 (dates incohérentes) (Age 22)
Occupation | Jardinier
union | Marie SALLE - View Family February 17, 1738 (Age 23) Husband: 23 y Wife: 20 y
Birth of a daughter #1 | January 21, 1739 (Age 24)
Birth of a daughter #2 | February 28, 1741 (Age 26)
Death of a mother | October 8, 1748 (Age 33)
Death of a father | November 17, 1749 (Age 34)
Death of a wife | February 9, 1760 (Age 45)
union | JeanneMARECHAL - View Family October 5, 1762 (Age 47) Husband: 47 y
Birth of a daughter #3 | July 26, 1779 (Age 64)
Death of a wife | June 17, 1790 (Age 75)
Death | April 22, 1797 (Age 82)