Pedigree Tree ?
Jeanne MONTIGNY Death after May 3, 1695 |
Aimé DELALAY Death before May 3, 1695 |
Claude CAILLER Death between June 6, 1686 and July 5, 1700 -- Crissay sur Manse, 37090, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE, |
Gatien GAGNEPAIN Death before November 13, 1684 -- Crissay sur Manse, 37090, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE, |
MartheMORON Death before April 6, 1723 -- L'Ile Bouchard, 37119, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE, |
PierreCHAPEAU Death before April 6, 1723 -- L'Ile Bouchard, 37119, Indre et Loire, Centre, FRANCE, |
Georges GAGNEPAIN Death before April 6, 1723 |
PerrineCHAPEAU Death between July 11, 1746 and January 26, 1756 |
GeorgesGAGNEPAIN Death between July 11, 1746 and January 26, 1756 |